The Knights of Saint Columbanus welcome these words by a number of Priests across Northern Ireland.

Fr. Seán O’Donnell, Curate at Waterside Parish, Derry, on the most crucial issue of the protection of every human life. ‘There is no debate. Church teaching is clear, you cannot vote for anyone standing for election or if their party’s stand for abortion or anything else that is contrary to what the teaching of the Church is. It is as simple as that’. Fr. Seán O’Donnell

Thank you Fr. Sean O’Donnell, Curate at Waterside Parish, Derry. 🙏🏻 ‘There is no debate. Church teaching is clear, you cannot vote for anyone standing for election or if their party’s stand for abortion or anything else that is contrary to what the teaching of the Church is. It is as simple as that’. #VoteProlife #RestorePersonhood #AE2022

Posted by Precious Life on Friday, 29 April 2022

“A number of our political parties hold the view, that it’s okay to kill the baby in the womb … It isn’t”. Fr. Brendan Keane (Clonard Monastery, Belfast)

“A number of our political parties hold the view, that it’s okay to kill the baby in the womb … It isn’t”. Fr. Brendan Keane (Clonard Monastery, Belfast) #AE2022 #VoteProlife #Restorepersonhood

Posted by Precious Life on Friday, 29 April 2022

Parish Priest of Corpus Christi Church, Fr Paddy McCafferty for speaking robustly on the “most decisive issue of our time – the grave evil of abortion.”

Smyth applauds humility and courage of West Belfast priest in Pro Life sermon Director of Precious Life, Bernadette Smyth, praised the Parish Priest of Corpus Christi Church, Fr Paddy McCafferty for speaking robustly on the “most decisive issue of our time – the grave evil of abortion.” Read full article .. #VoteProLife #AE22 #AE2022

Posted by Precious Life on Saturday, 30 April 2022

Fr. James O’Reilly, Antrim Parish. “In this election, I would encourage all of us to vote pro-life. As a people let’s get better at providing to those in crisis pregnancy” “If you are considering an abortion, please don’t listen to the lie that ‘abortion is healthcare’ because it is not. Your unborn child matters. Every life from the moment of conception matters.”

Thank you to Fr. James O’Reilly, Antrim Parish. 🙏🏻 “In this election, I would encourage all of us to vote pro-life. As a people let’s get better at providing to those in crisis pregnancy” “If you are considering an abortion, please don’t listen to the lie that ‘abortion is healthcare’ because it is not. Your unborn child matters. Every life from the moment of conception matters.” #AE2022 #VoteProlife #restorepersonhood #AE22

Posted by Precious Life on Sunday, 1 May 2022