On a day that hopefully sees the end of Roe v Wade in the USA which has been responsible for the loss of millions of human lives, we welcome the personal views of Fr Paddy McCafferty before this week’s election and his guidance on this most crucial matter of abortion. Without the right to life all other rights are completely meaningless ‘I am calling upon all faithful Catholics not to give their votes, on May 5th, to any pro-abortion party including the “nationalist” and nominally “catholic” SDLP and Sinn Fein.I know, that in the SDLP, there are still good people who are genuinely pro-life. Nevertheless, these good people appear entirely powerless against the pro-abortion march of the SDLP.Furthermore, not one “good” currently sitting SDLP MLA could be found to add his or her name to the petition of concern which would have halted Claire Bailey’s discriminatory and unjust Exclusion Zones Bill in its tracks. Just one more name was needed but all the SDLP MLAs chose to support Bailey’s propaganda. Not one shred of evidence was offered by Bailey and her fellow pro-aborts, to substantiate their allegations of “harassment”, against women attending the death clinics. Colm Eastwood and Claire Hanna were among the signatories of Stella Creasy’s open letter, pleading with Westminster to impose one of the most extreme abortion regimes in the world on Northern Ireland, without consultation with the electorate.SDLP MLAs Pat Catney, Cara Hunter, Sinead McLaughlin and Matthew O’Toole voted to allow children like Olivia to be aborted/killed at 40 weeks.Every single SDLP MLA sitting in Stormont voted to erect exclusion zones around the death clinics which will ban and criminalise pro-life witnesses against the evil of abortion and who seek to offer support to women advocating abortion.Therefore, my appeal to those good people is leave the SDLP, wipe the dust from your feet and leave it with them (Matthew 10:14-15). The SDLP is, self evidently, no longer a pro-life party, no longer a party that can be trusted with the votes of faithful Catholics.The time has come for faithful Catholics and their fellow Christians to take a stand against the aggressive and discriminatory abortionism at Stormont. May 5th is the day on which we can all say: ABORTION – NOT IN OUR NAME AND NOT WITH OUR VOTES! NO ‘X’, NO ‘’, NO ‘1,2,3,4’, BESIDE THE NAMES OF PRO ABORTS!’ – Fr. Paddy McCafferty, Parish Priest at Corpus Christi Parish Belfast.