Brothers Knights across the country have been rising to the challenges associated with the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.
With our churches closed and our elderly and vulnerable parishioners left isolated, many Knights stepped up to ensure that there was the least disruption possible. Food parcels were gathered from across parishes with the aid of local businesses and sports clubs. The coming together of inter denominations showed what a unified country we can have at time like this.
Councils, both Primary, Provincial and Supreme have embraced new technology to ensure that not only their monthly meetings take place but also that they can keep in touch with isolating Brothers and fellow parishioners. Zoom and Teams have now become the norm in Council activities that include online quizzes, coffee mornings and the Rosary.
Councils have organised the broadcasting of mass and prayer groups on various IT platforms keeping the faith alive and well during these difficult times. Below is a selection of just what is going on across the country to help make live seem somewhat normal…