It is often said that one of the most appealing attributes of membership is the deep friendships which are formed with other bothers and their families, from all walks of life, right across Ireland and far beyond. For many Brothers, the Order provides the ideal, and often only setting to speak honestly about their faith, social or community issues, and any problems or issues that they may have in their everyday lives. Great friendships are made, lifelong ties are formed, and family events and participation is always welcomed and encouraged.
Many men find it difficult to have open discussions about their faith, even among best friends and family. The Order is one of very few all-male charitable Catholic organisations that give men the opportunity, support and ability to discuss many topics with like-minded Catholic men.
Within the Order, men are encouraged to support each other and show empathy, understanding, and compassion. Significantly during these difficult times of Covid lockdown, weekly zoom meetings and various online discussions, prayer gatherings, and chat groups within the Order have helped enormously with the mental health and well-being of many Brothers.
Our Order is a family, a spiritual bonding—a family of like-minded men, willing to stand together and work for Christ. Brothers in the Order are there for each other. We are there to ensure that no Brother is left feeling alone no matter what their struggles or difficulties in life. We are a fraternity and a caring Brotherhood of men, ready to help and ready to serve.