On the occasion of the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, Catholic Action Associations all over the world, united in the International Forum of CA, are launching an appeal for prayers.
This day is meant to reaffirm “our personal vocation to be stewards of creation, to thank God for the marvelous work that He has entrusted to our care, invoking His help for the protection of creation and his mercy for the sins committed against the world in which we live”.
We recommend
- personal prayers on the 1stSeptember by participating in Holy Mass, by praying the Lauds and Vespers, by reciting the Rosary, by spending some time in recollection and adoration …
- wherever possible, to participate in community prayers, in the family, in the parish, in CA groups, …
- prayers for the care of creation during the initiatives promoted by CA during September
- the organisation of an occasion for the community, even on another date, involving the Christian community, CA groups and other associations and movements, especially young people, inviting Orthodox Christians and other Christian confessions
- a commitment, at national, diocesan level, to offer CA’s full support and collaboration to the Justice and Peace Commission, Lay Apostolate Councils, Youth Pastoral Groups in order to “ set up relevant initiatives to promote and illustrate this Day, so that this annual celebration becomes a powerful moment of prayer, reflection, conversion and the adoption of appropriate lifestyles”.
During these personal and communitarian prayer meetings we recommend the recitation of the Christian Prayer in union with creation found in the Encyclical Laudato si’ (246), with the magnificent hymn by Saint Francis (Laudato si’ 87)