Fédération Internationale des Hommes Catholiques

International Council of Catholic Men

Federación Internacional de Hombres Católicos

Internationale Vereinigung Katholischer Männer

 Palazzo San Calisto

 00120 Citta del Vaticano – Italy

Dear member organisations and individuals,

Our Holy Father asks us at 1pm next Wednesday, the 8th of June, to give a minute of our time to pray for peace.

There are many parts of our world which need an end to conflict, especially in Ukraine and the Holy Land. 

We ask you to make all your members aware of this request from Pope Francis to them and that we share our prayers with his.

For many of us tomorrow is Pentecost Sunday may the gift of the Holy Spirit help us to renew the face of the earth.

With kind regards,



Dear Friends,
We, the members of the Bureau hope you are doing well.
The Laudato Si week will be held on 22nd to 29th May 2022.
This is a  weeklong event to mark the seventh anniversary of Pope Francis’ landmark encyclical on creation care, to listen and respond together to the cry of creation.

We have identified several actions for you and encourage you to select at least one action during this week to respond to the care for creation.

Whilst links for additional information are provided with some of the activities. the Bureau has also a bank of resources which will enable you to pray, reflect and assist you in further action.
We exhort you provide Unum Omnes with updates on any activities undertaken.
If you are not willing to participate, we request that you pass this information to those in your organisation who may be interested in participation and provide the Secretary General with their contact details.
Best  regards

Seamus Mc Donald KSG


Dear Friends,
To celebrate the Anniversary of the publication of the Encyclical Laudato, Si Pope Francis invites everyone to participate in Laudato Si Week 2022  from 22nd – 29th May.
The Bureau invite all our organisations to plan an activity or activities to mark this important Laudato Si Week. You activities should be recorded and submitted to the Secretary General for publication in our Newsletter and to be forwarded to the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development. 
During that week Unum Omnes  are also joining forces  with the ADHOC INGOS at Food and Agriculture Organisation in the United Nations to organize a project. 
Attached is the News release which provided  further information and links to useful websites.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards
Seamus Mc Donald KSG


Lord Jesus Christ, son of the Living God.

The Father sent You to men of all generations

so that we may answer His call to be holy

 men of the Church.

Merciful Lord, be our strength as we take up

our crosses each day to follow you.

Inspire us to action in your Church so that our lives  

may become a living Gospel bringing joy

and hope to the world.

Be present in our marriages and let the example

of Mary and Joseph guide us in fulfilling our

marital and parental responsibilities.

Encourage those who have consecrated themselves

to Your Kingdom and strengthen their resolve to

 remain faithful to their vocations.

Bless all our actions this day that they may bring

honor and glory to God Our Father



Dear member,

This is a gentle reminder to those who have not responded to the invitation to participate in the Synodal Consultation that the closing date for responses is Friday 20th May.

We have been enthused by the response so far. However if you have not responded yet we welcome your comments. As your Church address the challenges ahead your views and comments are particularly welcome I attach the link below for the online response.


However hard copies are available  for those who  prefer not to submit an online response
Members of your organisation are very welcome to participate.
 We believe that this process will assist the Catholic men on their journey as a people of God. Thank you in anticipation.

Kind regardsSeamus Mc Donald KSG President