Summit ’17

The Summit 17

The Summit `17, invites you to the Croke Park Conference Centre, Dublin on July 13th-15th

Speaking on the day are: the founder of FOCUS, Curtis Martin; Vice President of the Augustine Institute, Dr Edward Sri; Director for Evangelisation for the Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception, Fr Michael Gaitely and a Focus Mission team.   With keynote talks from our speakers, practical breakout sessions, prayer and time spent with other young Catholics, we are seeking  renewed energy, a deeper understanding of our mission, links to help build authentic friendships and most importantly a direction for the next step on our Catholic adventure.

The Summit 17 The Summit `17, invites you to the Croke Park Conference Centre, Dublin on July 13th-15th Speaking on the day are: the founder of FOCUS, Curtis Martin; Vice President of the Augustine Institute, Dr Edward Sri; Director for Evangelisation for the Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception, Fr Michael Gaitely and a Focus Mission team. With keynote talks from our speakers, practical breakout sessions, prayer and time spent with other young Catholics, we are seeking renewed energy, a deeper understanding of our mission, links to help build authentic friendships and most importantly a direction for the next step on our Catholic adventure.

The Knights of of St. Columbanus are very proud to be a sponsor of this gathering and pray that it will be a wonderful success. Over the past eight years the Order has been involved in a number of Youth projects including the Pope St. John Paul II Awards and the All-Ireland Schools Public Speaking Competition. We will have a stand at the event and look forward to meeting many young people.  The Summit runs from July 13th to July 15th. Please come visit. We look forward to meeting you.

For more information click here